Sunday, 23 October 2011

Week10- Emerging and future technologies

Overview of the lesson

 We started off today's lesson talking about the drivers for the development of emerging technologies. Besides having new technologies that allow the improvements and progression of new technologies, unmet market opportunities and needs are also drivers of emerging technologies. As long as these new technologies are able to meet the unmet demands or needs, there will be market for these products, and would also motivate people to come up with these products. Further more, with the help of mass media and advertising, we have changed our perceptions of needs. We no longer only need things that can fulfill our basic needs, but we also need other technologies which we may not deem as necessity in the past. 
Furthermore, supply can create demand. When new technologies emerge, people will come to realize that they need them, or would be able to do better with them.

What i found interesting

The most interesting part of this lesson is our discussion of the quote, "Innovation distinguishes the leader from the follower". If one is able to innovate and come up with something new, something that not many would have thought of, one would be the leader in that specific arena. However, a follower would not dare to innovate and to do something out of the box. But would stay back and observe, before taking a step into exploring other areas. Just as Steve Jobs stated in this quote, innovation distinguishes the leader from the follower, he himself is a leader. He came up with a revolutionized handphone, which many of us would not have dared, or thought of innovating. 

Most important take away

Most important take away in today's session will be "if you can imagine it, make it happen". So many things may seem impossible in the past, however we are seeing and using them today. We have many visions of how our future technologies will look like, and i believe in near future we will be able to see them happen. Just like what the quote suggest, if you can imagine it, make it happen. Because others may not be thinking of the same thing. 

 How would i like to further this discussion

I would like to further the discussion by looking into other emerging technologies. Our presentations in class focused a lot on emerging bio technologies, however i would like to hear about emerging technologies from other areas.

Rate this session

I would rate this session 9/10. Not only have i learned a lot from this session, it has also made me more interested in looking out for new and emerging technologies. The quotes for this session are also very insightful and i have learned a lot from them.

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