Overview of the lesson
We started today's lesson off with a quote from prof, "When we are able to grow resources we need, we will finally be on the road to sustainability". The discussion moved on, as people brought up the doubts that they have regarding this quote. How true is this? Some argued that we need more resources to grow the resources that we need, hence this means that we are compromising some resources for the sake of other resources. But then again, if we are using excess resources that we have to grow resources that we are lacking off, this may not be a bad idea after all.
What i found interesting
The most interesting part of this lesson, was the rising trends in urbanization but at the same time overcrowding in the rural areas. We are moving towards an urbanized word, where people are now exposed to better standard of living, and living habits. However, even so, there are still overcrowding in the rural areas, hectors per family is much smaller than what it used to be before. I believe, this is when agribiology will come into play. Furthermore, this is also an area in which the people in the developed countries can help the less fortunate in. By imparting the knowledge of agribiology to people in the developing countries, not only will they be able to better provide for themselves, there will also be lesser overcrowding in places with fertile soil. Also, in reading 7, one part of it mentioned that climate changes will cause soil fertility in some places to change. In other words, some soil may be more fertile in future, while some fertile soil may just become infertile. This change would not only bring about relocation of people, but also adverse effects on the people living there.
Most important take away
Most important take away for this lesson will be the quote by Mahatma Ganghi: "There's enough on this planet for everyone's need but not for everyone's greed." I think that this is a quote that speaks a lot. This planet definitely has what we all need for survival. However due to increasing needs, wants and expectations, human races tend to use more than what we are supposed to. Tapping into what was meant for others. This may be the cause of uneven distribution of resources around the world.
How would i like to further this discussion
I would like to further the discussion on how changes in the world climate and technologies will have social, economic and maybe cultural effects on human races. And how will it affect people in the developing and developed countries. What can we do to minimize the effects?
Rate this session
I would rate this session 7/10. I enjoyed the discussions we had for this lesson, and the quotes really expressed fully how we feel about today's society. However, i felt that our discussions could be slightly more indepth and relate more to agribiology, environment and life sciences.
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