In the first half of the lesson, we covered on Technology and industrial development, and actions that could be taken for them to be sustainable. We were given an overview of how our mindset and abilities have changed from the past. In the beginning, people only had a choice between economy or environment. However today, we have the ability to create a win-win situation for both our economy and environment. Our discussion moved on to talk about different alternative methods we are now using, to create profits for the country, as well as protecting our environment. Policies have been implemented, and many actions such as reusable energy have been taken place.
Second half of the lesson we discussed about the Shahi landscape model for technology assessment.
The picture depicts opportunities in the industry. Valley opportunities have low barriers of entry, and has many competitors. One example would probably be the chicken rice stall. Submit opportunities are the direct opposite of valley opportunities. They have high barrier of entry and very few competitors. Cloud opportunities do not have well developed business view, and has keep i view interest. An interesting example would be the bubble tea industry. It moved from the submit to the valleys. However, i few with more creative ideas for bubble tea (cloud opportunities) manage to stand out from the crowd and moved to the submit again.
What i found interesting
What i found most interesting was the video that we have watched called system in crisis. It has clearly shown us the impact of our "buy and throw"mind set, and how we should move from linear to cyclical. Whereby there would be an opportunity for innovation, growth and value creation that would bring about economic growth but no at the expense of the environment.
Most important take away
Our lifestyle and the rising standard of living is a double edged sword. On the bright side, it has motivated people to continue innovate and invent new things or technologies in order to meet the rising expectations of us. However, increasing amount of new technologies or products have caused people to take things for granted and throw them away as long as they no longer seem appealing or stylish. Not only would this mindset harm our environment like what we saw in the video, but also create more stress to those people creating those products. Linking back to lesson 2, with the happiness index lowered, so will the productivity. Would this cause a decline in the economy? This may seem too far fetch, however, this mindset has got to change, in order for us to protect our environment and to instill a better habit in our future generations. Another alternative would be to invent and come up with new technologies that can allow such spending and throwing habits but at the same time not causing harm to our environment.
How would i like to further this discussion/another topic to discuss
I would like to discuss more in-depth the result of our spending and throwing habits in relations with lesson 2 where we take HDI into consideration. Creating new products -> people buy the products -> more competition for similar products -> forced to come up with something new to keep market shares -> causing stress for those people that have constant datelines to meet to create new things -> production level decreases.
Rate this session
I would rate this session 8/10. It was really interesting and this topic was something that i could relate to. Not only in my daily life, but it also has slight linkages with what i have studied in geography and economics.
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