Monday, 29 August 2011

Week 2- Technology Society Dominance & Technology and Human Development

Overview of the lesson

In lesson 2, we covered on several areas that were broad, but when broken down, they would give us an idea why different societies, companies or organizations have been or still is dominating the arena. During the first half of the lesson, we discussed about the different dimensions of global dominance together with the Shahi Organizational behavior model used to identify innovation leaders and dominant players. A few examples were brought up, Apple was a good example for a rising star, despite being a dominant player in the technology industry, it isn't complacent, but continued to innovate and improve the products. 

In the second half of the lesson, we discussed about technology and human development, covering areas like the Human Development Index and disparity in incomes in the different countries. We looked at a video that showed us how the different stats and countries developed and moved on to be healthier and richer than the rest of the countries. From the video, many countries progressed and moved on to become healthier and richer, but some, remained in the poverty. We had a brief discussion on what caused these countries to progress further than the rest. And how the world is coming together to fight problems such as poverty.

What I found interesting

The most interesting take away is the discussion about the country's population size vs the wealth. China and India takes up 55% of the world's population, however their combined wealth is only 32% of the world's. Does this mean that they are under performing or have they reached their maximum? After the second part of lesson 2 when we discussed about HDI, it occurred to me that I have failed to consider the reasons of their under performance. And the most interesting thing is, knowing that happiness can also be included in the HDI. If the citizens are happy, they tend to be more productive, hence maximizing human potential. 

Most important take away

A good idea allows a firm/organization/team to dominate the arena, but only those with good traits and attitude stays. I feel that this is the most important thing that i have learned in lesson 2. Having good attitudes determines if the firm/organization/team will continue rising or start falling. This does not only apply to technologies/renown firms or organizations, but also to ourselves. Wanting to keep improving and not be complacent can bring one to greater heights.

How would i like to further this discussion/another topic to discuss

We could go more in depth into discussing how the richer nations can help the poorer ones. Besides coming up with goals, what other things can they do to help? Furthermore, are the goals too idealistic? Adding on, we can discuss about other areas that the poorer nation need help in. Such as having excess to technologies. How can we bridge this gap between the richer and the poorer nations. Giving them opportunities to keep up with the technologies as well.

Rate this session

I would rate this session 7/10. I had great insights about the different dimensions of global dominance and development. However, i thought some parts of the discussions could have been more in depth if not for the time constraint. 

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Session 1- "I do not fear computers, i fear the lack of them"

I was not around for the first lesson, but as i read through the learning objectives of this course, i'm looking forward to attending lessons. Not only would i be able to learn how technology innovations have changed and improved to what they are today, but also their impact on areas like agriculture and industrial. Together with the relationship between civilizations and technological changes(from past and present). 

Correct me if i am wrong, but TWC reminds me a little of Jc Geography. Where we get to look into the cause and effects, case and data analysis and finding pattern in the data that we have and criticizing and analyzing them. However, TWC focus more on technological changes and its development. 

A came across a quote that says "I do not fear computers, i fear the lack of them". It got me thinking if we have became too reliant on technologies, or have we simply accepted the fact that we are indeed reliant on technologies, and have decided to improve them further to suit our needs.